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Webinar to Discuss the Need for Rental Assistance (Section 8) Reform

CSH encourages partners to register and join a webinar about Section 8 reform being presented by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities on Wednesday, April 3 from 4-5pm ET.

There is consensus across a broad spectrum of affordable housing advocates to push for legislation that will reform HUD’s Rental Assistance Program (Section 8).  Section 8 reforms are critical particularly now in light of the budget shortfalls within the program and the impact of sequestration.  HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan recently testified that approximately 125,000 people could lose their vouchers because of sequestration. By implementing Section 8 reform it is estimated that the program can save $2.5 billion over five years according to the Congressional Budget Office. Additionally, it will allow for more flexibility at the local level and encourage private investment.

Some of the key components of the reform include streamlining voucher housing quality inspections, raising rental assistance income targeting limits to admit more working poor families particularly those in rural areas, streamlining rent calculations and income determinations, and allowing families who are served by project-based section 8 program to participate in the Family Self-Sufficiency Program which will provide them with job counseling and give them financial incentives to be able to work and save.

Section 8 plays an integral role in keeping people living in healthy environments as it allows many people to take advantage of supportive housing through subsidies to help pay their rent and get the services needed to help them in both the short-term and long-term. It is also an essential part of the housing safety net that keeps the most vulnerable people off the streets.


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