Liberty Village, a 30 unit supportive housing development in Terre Haute, Indiana will serve frequent users of emergency services and Veterans. Funded by capital and operational support from the Indiana Housing Community Development Authority, this development will be for both individuals and families, with a breakdown of 20 one-bedroom units, 8 two-bedroom units, and 2 three-bedroom units. This project will begin construction on February 1, 2015 with plans to open during the winter of 2016 and be fully occupied by June 15, 2016. All tenants will be offered accessible, voluntary services by staff who will engage the residents and get to know what types of supports will be helpful.
The Liberty Village development team, pictured to the left, participated in the Indiana Permanent Supportive Housing Institute sponsored by IHCDA, and received a CSH $359,000 pre-development loan. This team includes Mental Health America of Vigo County, Hamilton Center, Inc, TWG Development, LLC, and Indiana State University. Liberty Village will be the third supportive housing development for Mental Health America of Vigo county.
Under the leadership of Myra Wilkey, Mental Health America of Vigo County Executive Director, this team is an inspiration and role model to any community looking to address ending homelessness by ensuring that the most vulnerable community members are able to obtain and maintain housing.
CSH is thrilled to announce this supportive housing project and looks forward to seeing it open in 2016. Click here to read local coverage about the Liberty Village ground-breaking event.