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CA Legislature Passes CSH Sponsored Bills

Two CSH sponsored bills recently passed in the California Legislature to 1) streamline supportive housing development and 2) advance efforts to end youth homelessness. Both bills now need approval by Governor Brown to become law. Help ensure the bills are signed by submitting your letter of support. Details on each bill and recording your support with the Governor are outlined below.

  • Assembly Bill 2162 (Chiu/Daly) streamlines the development of supportive housing. Under the bill, supportive housing developers would be able to develop supportive housing by right, undergoing an expedited ministerial approval process. Cities and counties could impose objective standards when reviewing supportive housing applications, but would not be able to delay or reject an applicant for subjective factors, such as NIMBY responses from the community. It also waives parking requirements for supportive housing tenants, so long as the project is located within ½ mile of public transit.
    • To be considered supportive housing, the project has to be 100% affordable, with at least 25% of supportive housing units, or 12 units, whichever is greater. Supportive housing units need to have bathrooms and kitchens and supportive services offered onsite.
    • Please let California Governor Jerry Brown know you support this legislation! Complete and submit CSH’s sample letter of support or go to to weigh in with your support for AB 2162.


  • Senate Bill 918 (Wiener), the Homeless Youth Act, requires the California Homeless Coordinating and Financing Council to set specific, measurable goals to prevent and end homelessness among youth, define outcome measures, gather data related to these goals, and provide technical assistance to communities across the State to arrive at programs designed to address youth-specific needs.

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