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Request for Proposals Frequently Asked Questions: Homeless Prevention and Response Fund

The following frequently asked questions and answers reflect the questions the Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) received via email and through calls. We hope our responses are helpful to those who are interested in learning more about the 2021 Homeless Prevention and Response Fund (HPRF) Request for Proposals (RFP). Please note that these FAQs refer specifically to the 2021 RFP. 

Q: Does this application exist in any fillable form? 
A: No, the form on the website is the version that needs to be used.  

Q: Are units that are already completed qualify for this funding? 
A: Yes, units that are already completed qualify, although newly created supportive housing units are preferred.

Q: Are existing supportive housing units eligible? 
A: Yes, existing supportive housing units are eligible, but any units that have a permanent project-based subsidy are not eligible. The RFP is for capitalized operating reserve funding for eligible supportive housing operating expenses including, but not limited to: utilities, maintenance, security, property management, real estate taxes and insurance, accounting, and office expenses. In addition, costs associated with resident service coordinators and front desk coverage are allowable.

Q: Can we schedule a conference call to review these funds? 
A: Our process does not include that kind of conference; however, you may email any questions that you have. We are going to give everyone an opportunity to get their questions answered.

Q: Can a request for funding under this opportunity possibly be used for operating reserves of supportive housing? 
A: Yes, subject to the limitations described above.

Q: Would the funds need to be used toward a rehab project for the existing units, or could they be used for much-needed recapitalization of reserves?
A:  Re-capitalization of reserves could be eligible. This would be the only capital use allowed under the program. Costs related to renovation or rehabilitation are not eligible to be covered by HPRF funds.

Q: Can these funds be used for full renovations of blighted properties? Our agency has obtained ownership of several blighted buildings that need to be completely renovated.  Our goal is to help this area redevelop and offer housing to low-income residents in some form (rent to own, supportive housing, etc.).   
A:  As above, the only capital costs allowed are re-capitalization of reserves. Costs for renovation or rehabilitation are not eligible costs for HPRF funding.

Q: We have a 100% LIHTC Income restricted project (all units are already income restricted).  Is there any applicability of this program to our type of development? 
A: LIHTC units without an existing operating subsidy are allowable. Many tenants coming from homelessness cannot afford even very low rents tied to 30% area median income (AMI). The HPRF funds can bridge the gap between 30% or 50% AMI rents and what a tenant can afford to pay.

Q: I am doing a 20 unit project. Is there a maximum to the grant?  I know minimum is 10 years.  Looking to add 2-4 SH units. 
A:  The minimum is 3 units. The granted funds are designed to last at least 10 years. 

Q: Can the subsidy be used for projects with supportive units that are currently in operation and that are not looking to increase the number of supportive units? In that case, can the subsidy be used to pay for supportive housing costs and/or difference in rent? What about if the project is not yet operating but is under construction? 
A:  Projects in construction are eligible as long as some other state funding has been committed. Projects already in operation wishing to add supportive housing units may receive funding for any supportive housing units currently unsubsidized with a project-based subsidy.

Q: Are single room occupancy units (SRO) eligible for this application?
A: Yes, SRO’s are eligible units.

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