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Child Welfare and Housing Agency Partnerships that Support and Unify Families Through Family Unification Program Housing Vouchers

CSH and Casey Family Programs invite child welfare and housing professionals to a timely webinar. The webinar will focus on the intersection of housing and child welfare and how Family Unification Program federal housing vouchers can support the well-being and stability of families involved with the child welfare system.

Participants will explore topics elevated within the recently released briefs on Family Unification Program family housing vouchers, including partnership strategies and operational guidance for Public Child Welfare Agencies, Public Housing Agencies, and other partners. In addition to CSH and Casey Family Programs representatives, the webinar will feature practitioners from Public Housing Agencies and Public Child Welfare Agencies who will share experiences working with the Family Unification Program.

Participants will learn innovative ways jurisdictions access and leverage federal housing vouchers alongside ideas for increasing collaboration between systems. Participants will leave the webinar with tactics to address common challenges and better align housing with services and supports to meet the needs of children, youth, and families, prevent unnecessary entries into foster care, increase safe reunification and permanency, and support the well-being of families.


  • Erik Larsen, Area Administrator, Washington State Department of Children, Youth and Families
  • Amanda Seybert, Housing Programs Manager, Spokane Housing Authority, Washington
  • Pradip Singh, Director, Housing Choice Voucher Program, Housing Authority of Kansas City, Missouri
  • Sarah Thomas, Alternative Care Program Administrator, Missouri Department of Social Services, Children’s Division
  • Andrew Johnson (Moderator), Director, Systems Transformation, Family and Youth, CSH