The Project Design and Administration component of a supportive housing project is the process of planning and leading the effort, including key decisions about physical structure, team members and funding.
Quality project design and administration in a supportive housing project is:
- Tenant-Centered: Tenants play an active role in planning the supportive housing project, and all partners share a common commitment to helping tenants thrive.
- Accessible: The housing is affordable, in a location that meets tenants’ needs and accommodates persons with special needs.
- Coordinated: Roles, responsibilities and communication strategies are clearly established among the supportive housing partners, codified in written agreements and revisited regularly.
- Integrated: The supportive housing project meets or exceeds community standards, and the partners actively engage in community dialogue.
- Sustainable: The supportive housing project has funding that is adequate for its ongoing operations and allows it to target its intended tenants.
Select from the links below to access additional resources to support your organization in planning and operating a quality supportive housing project.
Planning a Quality Supportive Housing Project
Involving Tenants in Planning a Supportive Housing Project
Housing Unit Location and Siting for Supportive Housing Projects
Meeting the Needs of Tenants through the Physical Design of Supportive Housing
Roles, Responsibilities and Coordination among Supportive Housing Project Partners
Connecting with and Building Support in the Community