CSH produced a Program and Financial Modeling Report for the Detroit Continuum of Care in 2007 in order to offer concrete guidance to the Homeless Action Network of Detroit (HAND) as they crafted a plan to end homelessness through the creation of supportive housing. Seven years later, CSH was asked to revisit this report armed with improved Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) data and national evidence about the effectiveness of housing interventions. The result, the Program and Financial Modeling report, was presented to HAND in June 2014. The report identifies three key interventions to end homelessness: prevention, rapid rehousing, and supportive housing. This report includes an overview of homelessness in Detroit including sub-populations, an analysis of the role of coordinated access, targeting and interventions, and needs and financial projections.
- For Detroit’s approximately 19,000 families and individuals who experience homelessness over the course of the year, it is estimated that 46% of individuals and 35% of families will require assistance to resolve their housing crisis.
- Of this total, 3,824 will require rapid re-housing and it is likely that 746 of these households will require supportive housing following rapid rehousing assistance
- The system requires 178 new family supportive housing units and 3,820 supportive housing units for individuals, for a total of 3, 998
- Detroit could prevent homelessness for 993 individuals and 211 families over the next five years with short-term case management and financial assistance through increased collaboration between providers serving people at risk of homelessness and mainstream community resources
The report provides a clear path toward ending homelessness for both individuals and families in the next five years through a mixture of SH unit production, targeting, and reallocation of resources to cost-effective solutions.
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