What We Do

We advance supportive housing by advocating for effective policies, equitably investing in communities, and strengthening the supportive housing field. Since our founding in 1991, we have been the only national nonprofit intermediary focused on increasing the availability of supportive housing.


CSH helps communities and government agencies design equitable solutions that are bigger than any single system can achieve alone. We work with cross-sector coalitions to shift public resources to proven solutions that offset public costs and improve outcomes. 

Looking for Housing?


CSH strengthens the affordable and supportive housing fields with research-backed tools, trainings, resources, and knowledge sharing. 


CSH boosts affordable and supportive housing unit creation and programs that help people thrive with powerful capital funds, specialty loan products, grant making, and development expertise. 


CSH engages government leaders and public agencies through systems reform, policy collaboration, and advocacy. 

Graphical image of the CSH 2023-2027 Strategic Plan
A black family with two parents, a teenager, and a younger child in front of a modern building.