Supportive Services Transformation Fund

A hand holding a set of keys in front of a wooden model house
Woman and man walking on street, with the man in a wheelchair.
  • Create a national infrastructure of support for people at risk of losing their homes through services available with the Medicaid Home and Community Based Services
  • Cover critical support services not covered through Medicaid
  • Improve the timeliness and coordination of services provided through public and private systems
  • Build capacity and accountability to address systemic racism

Adult and Child Health
AIDS Alabama
AIDS Foundation Chicago
All Home CA
America Forward
Arizona Housing Coalition
Aspire Indiana Health
Association for Individual Development (AID)
Avalon Housing
Brooklyn Community Housing & Services, Inc.
Build Healthy Places Network
Callen-Lorde Community Health Center
Calling Care Services, Inc.
Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers
CANI-PAC Cardea Health

Central Oregon FUSE
Child Welfare League of America
Coalition On Homelessness and Housing In Ohio
Community Collaborative Group, LLC
Community Oriented Correctional Health Services (COCHS)
Community Solutions
Complete 360 LRCO
Downtown Women’s Center
Englewood CDC
Episcopal Community Services of San Francisco
Funders Together to End Homelessness
Georgia Supportive Housing Association, Inc.
Harrisonburg RHA
Hathaway Sycamores
Haven’s House Youth Services
Home Forward
Housing Association of Nonprofit Developers (HAND)
Imagine LA
Lafayette Transitional Housing Center

Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC)
Lutheran Child and Family Services
Mental Health America of West Central Indiana
National Alliance to End Homelessness
National Center for Medical Legal Partnership
National Low Income Housing Coalition
Native American Connections
New Courtland
Pathways to Housing PA
Pathways Vermont
People Assisting The Homeless
Piedmont Housing Alliance
Portsmouth Area Resources Coalition, Inc.
Renew Indianapolis
San Francisco AIDS Foundation
Shopworks Architecture
SMI Enterprises LLC

Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
South Bay Coalition to End Homelessness (Los Angeles County)
South Bend Heritage Foundation, Inc.
St. Catherine’s Center For Children
St. Joseph Center
Supportive Housing Providers Association
The Arc of the United States
The NOAH Project
The People Concern
The Planning Council
The Teen Project
Thrive Alliance
Truman Medical Center Behavioral Health
Union Station Homeless Services
United Way of Greater LA
United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley
United Way of the Wabash Valley
Virginia Housing Alliance
Youth Collaboratory

Letters to Congress and the President

Read the letters we sent to Congressional Leadership and the White House asking them to include the SSTF in the American Jobs and Families Plan Acts.