Catalog of Resources for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

The CSH Supportive Housing Initiative: 2013-2019 Catalog of Resources for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

CSH has created products for people interested in learning about supportive housing options for persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD). While the products are designed for everyone, specific documents are designed to help people with different needs and languages. We have created general documents describing the model in Spanish, Polish, and English language. For those with difficulty reading, we have created videos in English.

For our best documents, we have also offered the videos with English and Spanish captioning to follow along.

In creating the video series, CSH has also recognized that it is a major system change for persons with IDD to be moving into their own apartment. CSH uses videos of individuals living independently to help create and share the image of persons with IDD living on their own to help people imagine themselves making that next step.

We hope you will enjoy these materials and may find them helpful as you support those with IDD with living in their own affordable apartment if that is what they want. It is possible to provide that support.

This report was developed by CSH under an investment from the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities.

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