Just in Reach Pay for Success in Los Angeles

The Just in Reach Pay for Success (JIR PFS) project used upfront funding from investors to provide supportive housing to 349 individuals with disabilities and histories of homelessness who were exiting the Los Angeles County jail system. These participants received services from Intensive Case Management Service (ICMS) providers aligned with housing subsidies to ease their transition from jail and reentry into the community. The program focused on two primary objectives for the participants: increasing their stay in homes long-term and reducing recidivism. These measures were the basis for success payments made by Los Angeles County as part of the performance-based contract for the project. After four years of successful program operations, JIR PFS accomplished its objectives. The project’s success was sufficient to fully repay the amount provided by investors and yield a modest return on their investment.

This report will overview how the initiative came together and discuss its performance against the payment-related outcome measures. In addition, RAND Corporation, the project’s evaluator, conducted an impact evaluation and cost analysis, including a quasi-experimental assessment of the impacts and cost analysis of the program

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