Key Program Evaluation Criteria

Key Program Evaluation Criteria

In Keeping Families Together, success is measured not only by housing stability but also by measures of improved child well-being and family functioning. Below is a list of key evaluation criteria that sites can use to measure impacts.

  1. Decreased involvement with the child welfare system, as indicated by:
    • Fewer number/decreased frequency of reports
    • Case plan with child welfare agency/order from family court has been satisfied
    • Separated families are reunified/no reentry in care
    • Foster care placements avoided (which will be measurable if we are able to do an experimental/quasi-experimental evaluation)
  2. Increased housing stability, as indicated by:
    • No returns to homelessness
    • Family remains in stable housing situation (i.e. in own housing with a lease and not in temporary situations)
    • Decrease in frequency of moves
  3. Improvements in parent/caregiver outcomes, as indicated by:
    • Improved health and mental health
    • Decreased substance use
    • Increased access to needed health, behavioral health, and supportive services
    • Increased education/employment/earnings and/or access to income supports/benefits (SSI, TANF, etc.)
    • Increased parental functioning and decreased parental stress
    • Increased social support system
  4. Child well-being improves, as indicated by:
    • Improved health and behavioral health
    • Increased access to needed health, behavioral health, educational services
    • School attendance and achievement improves (school-age kids)
    • Decreased involvement with juvenile justice system (if applicable for older kids in household)
  5. System improvements:
    • Shared mandate to improve child well-being among vulnerable families across public systems and community-based service providers (long-term)
    • Integration of services/funding streams across public systems to improve outcomes for vulnerable families
    • Cost offsets associated with decreased use of the child welfare systems and the homeless services system


Family Stories

Here are moving snapshots about parents and their children involved in the original Keeping Families Together pilot.  They faced challenges along the way but their fortitude and desire for success are powerful and vividly describe how the overall health and well-being of the families and children improved.  Read these stories to learn how supportive housing has impacted families in a positive way, bringing them hope, opportunity and a real chance to stay together…

Ronald & Felicia Family Snapshot

Linda, Arthur, Rebecca & Alexis Family Snapshot

Michelle & Sons Family Snapshot

Jose, Evelyn & Destiny Family Snapshot


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